Loynaz Street
miscellaneous materials
600 x 600 x 850 cm
performances, readings and meetings inside the roundabout
The sense of glory
“…a light that I don’t know where comes from,
that you don’t see coming, that you see being
total source, invading everything”.
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Jenny Feal’s project is one more of “Generous City” and like the others, it started on the idea of being located where the Hotel Trotcha used to be, a construction that treasures a singular history within the growth of the city from the politics, the economy and the very urban development of the place. Among the versions of how the old hotel was conceived, the young artist found, among many evidences, those of some bowers and also of the advanced use of the electric fluid in this building. The proximity of the hotel to the former home of the Loynaz del Castillo, certain testimonial references of the poet brothers about the hotel, motivated Jenny’s imagination, already animated by the reading of Dulce María’s poetry. All these facts were enough to create an atmosphere of discovery and encounters, from which this new Jenny’s bower was natural as a ceremony for rest and fascination or to admire the light. It will no longer matter where the piece, that has taken an independent life, is located.
The built space is a tribute of remembrance and at the same time the homage of a being sheltered by incisions projected on the wood -fragments of verses scattered as confessions, testimony and spell in the open. The piece initially conceived in metal changed to wood, organic nobility that enriches the proposal. The gazebo exhibits in its center a light bulb on a larger scale as if preparing to pay an enchanted tribute, as if rescuing a time in time and making it a crossroads of realities, in which each potential spectator participates as an accomplice from his memory of light.
Ramón Cabrera (R.C.S.)
Loynaz Street, collective exhibition Generous City, 3rd and E, Havana, Cuba
Within the official framework of the XI Havana Biennial, 4th Pedagogical Pragmatics
With the support of the Higher Institute of Art in Havana, the National Art Council.